5th African Union (AU) – European Union (EU) Agriculture Ministerial Conference

30 June 2023

Rome, Italy

In the framework of the Africa-EU Partnership, the fifth AU-EU agriculture ministerial conference foresees 4 high-level thematic sessions, side events and a ministerial plenary session.

The thematic sessions will be held in parallel in the morning and will cover:

  1. Sustainable investment in support of agri-food systems
  2. Research and innovation for smarter policies and technologies
  3. Climate resilience of agri-food systems
  4. Regional trade integration

AU and EU Ministers of Agriculture, together with representatives of other international organisations will convene in the afternoon plenary session to take stock of the thematic discussions and pave the way for the future cooperation. The plenary session will be streamed live. A link to the live stream will be available on the day of the conference.

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