9th World Forest Week: High-level dialogue on scaling up agroforestry
- External Event
- Conference

23 July 2024, 12:30-14:00 CEST
Rome, Italy
Agroforestry – land management practices that apply the intentional integration of trees and shrubs into crop and animal farming systems – has the potential to transform agrifood systems to become more resilient and adaptive. It is being increasingly recognized within global policy processes, as well as by FAO Members, as a potential solution to address multiple global issues, including food security and nutrition, rural development, ecosystem restoration, and climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Held during the World Forest Week from 22-26 July in Rome, Italy, this high-level dialogue provides an important opportunity to share country experiences, and discuss the investments and actions needed to scale up agroforestry, and to identify ways forward for jointly addressing the remaining barriers. The panel will feature high-level representatives from FAO Members with experience in agroforestry financing, implementation, and policy support. The event will also present how FAO will be scaling up its work on agroforestry, including technical support to Members.
Objectives of this dialogue are:
- Share country experiences on successful national initiatives to scale up agroforestry;
- Discuss what is needed for agroforestry to be a real solution for transforming agrifood systems;
- Present FAO’s work and support on agroforestry; and
- Discuss opportunities and ways forward for addressing barriers to scaling-up agroforestry.