This seminar will bring together actors from a wide range of perspectives (cooperation, humanitarian, civil society, donor and research) and solicit the public to share experiences and identify opportunities offered by the agroecological approach to crisis management.
BIO4Africa is teaming up with sister project BIOSTAR, where partners will present findings from the bio-based pilot technology trials, research & innovation studies and business acceleration programme.
How to transform to agroecology with ease and effect? How to spark ambitious action, motivate a range of actors and deal with challenges and obstacles? Join Agroecology TPP’s webinar!
On the 14th and 15th of December, the CIRAWA project will be presented at an agricultural fair, held by CIRAWA partner, the Ministério da Agricultura e Ambiente (Ministry of Agriculture and Environment). CIRAWA will have an important participation through panels and workshops on agroecology.
This annual event by the European Commission brings together agri-food system stakeholders, civil society, consumers, academia and policymakers from across the EU.
This event aims to redefine the role of livestock, highlighting their contributions beyond food production. Attendees will explore how responsible livestock management can enhance biodiversity, support ecosystems, and protect endangered species.
The summit aims to foster collaboration and explore Indigenous farming communities, researchers, governments, experts, and stakeholders’ roles in supporting Africa’s agroecology transition.
The overarching objective of the conference is to bring together agricultural value chain actors to exchange research findings and developments in regenerative and precision agriculture for inclusive data-driven value chain development in Africa.
An international group of scientific experts will present and involve the audience in a dialogue about agroforestry, field research, modelling and mapping for agroforestry, career development and training in agroforestry, participatory approaches and agroforestry networks. This event is organised within the UNDERTREES project.
Sustainable”, “organic”, “agroecological”, “nature-based”, “regenerative” are increasingly being discussed in the context of food systems. This webinar will explore the differences and synergies between these concepts and frameworks, and how they can contribute to transforming our food systems.
The X International Congress of Agroecology will contribute to the production, consolidation and sharing of agroecological knowledge and experiences, in promoting the transition to sustainable food systems through debate and consensus on the common elements between the world’s agroecologies.
This conference will provide the opportunity to leverage the participation of high-level individuals in African and European agriculture to jointly address pertinent emerging issues affecting the continent.
L’Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles (ISRA) organise, dans le cadre du projet CIRAWA, une formation sur les pratiques de compostage à Mbane, Saint-Louis, Sénégal.
This high-level dialogue provides an important opportunity to share country experiences, and discuss the investments and actions needed to scale up agroforestry, and to identify ways forward for jointly addressing the remaining barriers.
Explore the impactful work of three DeSIRA projects – Sustenta & Innova, Dinaamicc, and Asset. Learn about multi-scale strategies and the essential role of research in co-designing these innovations.
The Groundswell Festival provides a forum for farmers, growers, or anyone interested in food production and the environment to learn about the theory and practical applications of regenerative farming systems.
Events 27 – 31 May 2024 Brno, Czechia Agroforestry – regenerating landscapes and diversifying production in Europe European agriculture needs to evolve in the face of climate change, a reduction in the abundance of insects and farmland birds, pollution, and the need to improve human health. Greater and more effective use of agroforestry, the integration […]
Events 23-25 April 2024 Dakar L’ISRA, le CIRAD, DyTAES et l’IRD organisent la 4ème conférence intensification durable à Dakar, le rendez-vous incontournable de l’agroécologie en Afrique de l’Ouest. La conférence intensification durable (CID 2024) se tiendra du 23 au 25 avril 2024 à Dakar. Lors de cette conférence, de nombreux chercheurs, enseignants-chercheurs, étudiants, experts et […]
Events 17 April 2024 Brussels, Belgium The ‘AGROMIX Summit: Agroforestry for the Future of European Agriculture’ aims to facilitate and incentivise the adoption of Mixed Farming and Agroforestry systems under EU legislation. The one-day event will provide a stage for an in-depth exchange between policymakers, farmers and researchers that seeks to explore agroecological solutions for more resilient land use in Europe as well as the development of tools […]
Events 5th Global Food Security Conference 9 to 12 April 20234 Leuven, Belgium Towards equitable, sustainable and resilient food systems Join us for the 5th Global Food Security Conference Food system activities are increasing putting pressure on planetary boundaries and the natural resource base which underpins food security for all. They are also accentuating […]
Events 19 March 2024 This event, co-organised by the FAO, Biovision, the Agroecology Coalition and the Food Policy Forum for Change, discusses how to bring agroecology to scale through national strategies aiming at supporting the agroecological transition of food systems. These strategies have the potential to harness opportunities of a sustainable development of agri-food systems, […]
The 7th edition of the Africa Agri Expo will be focused on topics such as precision farming, efficient food supply chain and technologies that contribute to improve the efficiency of food production and consumption in the continent.
Nabdam, Let us be Mindful of the Way we Destroy the Environment and take a Holistic Approach to Protect it
Events Latin American Seminar on Agroecology (SELAE) 22 to 25 November 2023 University of Buenos Aires, Argentina The Agronomy Faculty of the Universit of Buenos Aires (Argentina) organises a Seminar on Agroecology focused on Latin America. It will take place from 22 to 25 November 2023 in Spanish and it will host speakers from Colombia, […]
Agroecology Europe will host its 2023 Forum in Hungary from 16 to 18 November. More details about the programme will come soon.
Sixth Annual Conference of the Ghana Association of Agricultural Economists
Events GLF Nairobi 2023: A new vision for earth 11 to 12 October 2023 Nairobi, Kenya The climate crisis is already impacting every corner of the Earth – and it’s taking a heavy toll on rural communities dependent on natural resources for their livelihoods. It’s time for a new vision. This October, join us for […]
Closed cycles and the Circular Society 2023: The power of ecological engineering
This is the 11th edition of the West Africa agricultural expo AGRIKEXPO, a B2B agribusiness conference and exhibition which is organised by 151 Products Ltd. The event will be focused on agricultural businesses and practices that foster food security, employment opportunities and exports.
The Agroforestry Show is the first of its kind aimed at bringing together farmers, foresters, tree surgeons, growers, graziers, advisors, funders, food businesses and agroforesters to exchange practical ideas about integrating trees and farming.
This year’s Africa Climate Week will take place from 4-8 September 2023 in Nairobi, hosted by the government of Kenya. ACW 2023 will be organized in parallel with the African Climate Action Summit on 4-6 September, also hosted by Kenya.
In the framework of the Africa-EU Partnership, the fifth AU-EU agriculture ministerial conference foresees 4 high-level thematic sessions, side events and a ministerial plenary session.
CIRAWA partner CIFOR-ICRAF is organising a training activity in Dakar, Senegal to capacitate stakeholders on enhancing resilient agroecological practices through the efficient use of climate information and services.
This weekend is a three-days event when agroforestry farms open their doors for visitors to learn more about their work. Farmers, campaigners, policy makers and interested citizens are welcome to join.
Events CARTIF and UDS visit 10 to 12 May 2023 Santo Antão, Cabo Verde CIRAWA coordinator CARTIF Technology Centre (Spain) and CIRAWA Partner University for Development Studies (UDS) (Gana) conducted a work visit to Santo Antão island in Cabo Verde on 10-12 May 2023. The purpose of the visit was to learn about the reality […]
Events ADPM Training on Agricultural Surveys May 2023 CIRAWA partner Associação de Defesa do Património de Mértola (ADPM) Mértola’s local team in Santo Antão, as well as other partners from Cape Verde, namely the Association of Young Farmers of Casa do Meio, the Associação de Mulheres do Planalto Leste (AMUPAL), and the Ministério da Agricultura […]
Events ADPM visit to Maio 24 to 28 April 2023 Maio, Cape Verde CIRAWA partner Associação de Defesa do Património de Mértola (ADPM) was in Maio, Cape Verde, on 24-28 April 2023 to learn about the agricultural reality of the island and meet with local entities. ADPM team members met the Ministry of Agriculture […]
Events Agroecology Conference 21 – 24 March 2023 Nairobi, Kenya Transforming Food Systems for Responsible Production,Consumption and Social Wellbeing This conference aims to invoke consciousness and motivate regional and continental communities to dialogue how to invest in interventions which can ameliorate the negative impacts of the current unsustainable food systems by transitioning towards more environmentally […]
Events Local meetings 6 to 10 March 2023 Santo Antão, Cape Verde The first two local meetings under the CIRAWA project took place in Santo Antão, Cape Verde, on 6-10 March 2023. The first meeting was held with the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment (MAA) and was attended by the Minister of Agriculture of Cape […]
Events Local workshop in Senegal 1 to 3 March 2023 Senegal CIRAWA partner L’Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles (ISRA), organised a local workshop from 1 to 3 March 2023, aiming to share information with local stakeholders on the project activities. The meeting, held at ISRA Saint Louis, was attended by stakeholders from government agricultural and […]
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.